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The Chilliwack Progress from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada • Page 1

The Chilliwack Progress from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada • Page 1

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ik 187S. J. G. 1 i CHILLIWACK, jjj CHILLIWACK (Opposite the Progress Office) PiS. iA riF.AI.KU IS Reoay mcde Mb, I li Suycr.

Teo Tulcggo. The highest nk it ce allow A ed for a'l kind of Farm spot cash run ii lxr.s. pi Sl'OT CASH roll IT.IMI lXf.S, Hogs, Sheep, Lambs, Milk Cows, Veal Calves, Poultry, etc. Cunningham I Hardware Co. 3 Front Street, Opposite P.N Co.

3 DSAI.KKS IN ib. It will pay you to write us for Cash prices jrTTTTTmTmTrfTTTTT TTTTTf Tl nnTTTTTf TTTTTtTfTf Mr. Victor Nowelt has secured a position as fireman on the Stiekec route The eoi snieratiou is iiiU.UU per uioiilh and expensed. A silling of the County Court, is being heid before Mr. Justine Bolo to day, and will lie followed by a session of the Small Debts Court.

Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson were made happly last week byihe advent of a sou. From all accounts he is a chip otl tbe old block, and a tine fellow. Look out for furtherannouncement respecting an affair which Is being prepared fur at the Coqueleeia Iusliute to take place Friday evening May 6th.

Mrs. and Miss Branchllower left his morning by Sir. Transfer, Mr. lii ancLflower drove over to Whatcom from which place ho will ship his buggy team His Honor Judge Bole came up on Saturday and ban been spending several davs in partial rest prior to the sit tine of the County and Small Debts Court. The well known and popular horse 'Young Sampson, "owned and managed by Mr.

McSween, is ready for the sens hi ui Mr. MeSweeu is also baudling young Napoleon." Sharpies Cream Separators for sale; tins. are No. 1. and one if thi best manufactured.

Price for i. 1. 3u lbs. per hour. f' 00 cash or J'Jo CO terms to snit.

Euquiie of J. S. bMlTH, Bee Uaucl). Mr W. Ferris hns tneured the agency for 2 of the most rapidly selling oks'eow on inn ket the Lives of (i'leen Victoria of Niiss Francis Willard.

piilri hi by the Kose Publishing Co. of I wi Tl.lllL 'it of it hss lllil hlllOIII. led as not to eet, lint a glin beauty i in will find it to their Fan's. Tur. ca ear coiio in I nioh clieap for c.

mairniticent forli Progr, The many friends of Mr Geo. Ivipp. who was several ve.irs a 'b ut of Ciiil i will In pleased to hi ir thai he ha ie uii happilv married in a young boiy in the east Particulars have not yet come In hand. The sweet, juicy oolachan has arrived in large numbers, and will firm a verv ple i int vsri ition to the ordinary bill fare. Indian Joseph was in town on Monday and reports that while interviewing them he had a narrow escape from drowning.

I't ui.ic Ndtiok Those who really eil a good Hat at a ridiculous price a.h id drop in nice Summer (2(Jib. nd will or fresh clean eggs. iV E. A Fair. Messrs.

Crossley and Hunter have inveii'ed a nit of ballot iiper. intended to make it practically impossible for a voter to piace li mark in the wrong place, thus spoiling his billot It is said tc, be the perfect thing iu its way ever produce 1. Lost Last Saturday morning, somewhere between my resilience and place of a poclie. nook containing a spi ill sum of money and a few raeiuor unda. The tinder will confer a favor bv it to me or aving it at the i llice.

W. li.Cawley. Entrance examinations for the High School will lie conducted by Inspector C. pperthwaite in the Chilli wiiek public school building on Thursday and Friday of this week. A number of candidates will rite.

Two days holidays in the Principal's room iu con qnenco. Farmers and othe'9 desiring thn services of a horse of tine pedigree and first class record as a prize winner, will do well to have a look at the Imported Clvdesdaie Stallion "McKuw." uow making the season under the management of 'tis owners, Evans Connolly. See posters for particul irs. A few months ago, Mr. Bvron Every of Woodstock.

Mich was badly afflicted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering He was advisMii to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bo'tlerf it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 2.1 and 30 cent sizes are for sale by all Druggists' Langley Wholesale agents, Victoria and Vancouver. Mr.

H. Jorv of Salem, Oregon, is in the valley for a few weeks introducing the Fruit Drier uianutact ured by his firm and largely used in his State. Mr Jory is putting in a drier for Mr. Snider in the noper settlement. The samples of dried vegetables shown hy Mr Joty indicate large possibilities for the Klnudvke trade.

It would be worth i he while of any farmer who has more fruit cr vegetables than he can conveniently market in a fresh state to take a lnok'at the drier.which is made in eight sizi either oonabie or stati. v. Mr. W.vl 1,. Sorth, of Fr.

ib town was troub ed wit!) chronic diarrhoea fori v. thirty years He had become fullv satisfied that it was umlv a Question lit a short lima until he would have lo eive un He had been treated by some of the best physicians in Europe aiid America hot got no peimanent re lief. O. dav lo nicked up a new spa per and eh i ocd 'o ad nn a'hertise ment of I and Dinrrhc ibet 111 olie. iueily.

lie L' dose help. 1 hi iir i in Fo. I Ch ler i a ho! an I its iV by wtu le ugeutj. Victoria aud Vaucouver. EIGHTH YEAR NO.



Authorised Capitol Subscribed 7,875,000. Genera Banking Business transacted. BILLS DISCOUNTED, DEPOSITS ItECEIVED, Checks Notks On Cu ruest Account, DRAFTS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS. MONEY LOANED ON APPROVED FARMS. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.

Deposits received from Sl 00 upwards, and Interest allowed (present rate) at 4 per cent, per annum. WM. FARRELL L. NEVILE SMITH QENERAL MANAGER, VANCOUVER, B.C. MANAGER, CHILLIWACK VI i Vt VI vl vl VI vl ii vl 10p8i8.S15pein.

So 25 3o 35 4o 45 5o 55 6o 65 7o 75 8o 85 Do 95 loo Ilo 115 12o 125 13o Tiie aljnvu nro lie prices at wlifli are selling. The lowest prices represent ii rsli bind, or hind but partially 'Cm hi ed, Inch would require an out lay from six to twelve dollars per acre to prepare the bind for seeding. i i higiicst prices represent suburban blocks, adjoining or quite near to tho Town of Ghiiiiwack, cleared and fruit orchard, and in 'blocks of 8 to acres. Further away from the Town, prices are lower. A personal inspection of these properties will anyone desirous af settling iu tho Charming Chilliwack Valley, that, considering the.

quality and condition of Lie laud, the prices are exceedingly low. It tnny be reasonably predicted, judging fr mi preseut enquiries and sales that have recently taken place, that iu twelve or eighteen months hence, all the most dosirahla partus and land for sale in and about Chilliwack will have been taken tip. Don't delay. A word to the wise, etc Write to or cull on J. Howe Bent REAl ESTATE BROKER, chirRwack 4.

(0 vl Hi li vt Vl V( Vl Ml Vi Vl Vl PEOPLE GO TO KLONDIKE to inalio money. Money saved is muiniv earned. You can Save Money when you want a pair of Shoos, by coming to us. Aden's Watertlghts SI 65 Plow Shoes 125 Women's Pebble Grain Button or Lace 1.50 less 13 P8f it. hi Mi cat Yours ir ASHVELL'S.

Local and Other News. Special cut in men's wo king shoes at the Peoples boot oi Shot) Store. D. S. CURTIS Co Dittos and ew Westminster.

A. H. Giliuoders is jiving special cuts Boots it Shoes. Give him a call. To Lkt Pasturage for cattle and horses, never failing supply of good water.

Apply to Asiiwell Dr. II Burgess psici up cm Mmi day evening to till Dr MaiiM'll's engago ineul, and is at ttie Harrison uuusu. Mr. and Mrs W. Seidell and family have un nod from Vancouver, where they have been li rsevcral weeks.

A special meeting of the Municipal Council will no held in the urt House to night at 8 in reg nd to loaning of sinking fund's. The best meal to be had for 25 els, can be got at the Fnglisb Chop House, Vancouver, opposite terminus of New Westminster Tram cars. The choicest garden seeds, flower he ds, am held seeds; onion, carrot, mangold and turnip seed in bulk at eastern pricts at B. A. Irwin's.

I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of (he very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose hasaiways been sullicieut, although I use it freely. Any edd my children contracts yields very readily to this medicine. 1 can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds iu children. Geo.

E. Wolff Clerk of the Circuit Court. Fernandina. Fla. Sold by all Druggists.

Langlev it wholesale agents, Victoria and Vancouver. Evolution of the Bicycle Fiend. The man who steals whsels started merely as an enthusiast, and then be got to be a wheel fiend, who mentions the baby as a high grade little beggar, with extra large tubing, thinks if he were a higher gear he would creep faster and seriously ttiiuks of oiling him; calls his legs forks, his arms handle bars and his knees crowns. So be is a tiend with a sprocket in bead, and gets the mania so badly tmii haviug very taking wavs, and be ire quick at picking up aoy'hing. he begins collecting whxel and is sent down.

Vt Norman Harris iu "cycling." War Summary. Since the breaking off of diplomatic relations between the U. and Spain events have moved steadily forward until on Monday last Congress formally declared a state of war to exist. Several unimportant captures have been made and the air is full of rumors of all kiud The U. S.

fleet is blockading Havana, while the Spanish fleet was hourly ex pected to leave Cap Verde I lands, its destination being unknown Stirring news may be expected dnriug the nexl few days. A great tragedy has begun and none can predict what its tinal scene may be. Canada will maintain strict neutrality, Hritisn subjects buiuj forbiddeu to enlist on either side. Departure of a Pioneer. Mr.

Win Branchllnwer, for eighteen years a resident of Chi'iiwack and one of t' best known farmers and dairymen of he valley has reuted bis farm a term of ars, and witb his wife and daughter, is moving to Oregon nere it is probable lie will settle for a time. Mr liranchtlower hasspent many years of toil uuoii his farm and isrichl entitied to the rest which he now prn poses He already has considerable i' teresis iii Oregon and may re ui tor a ooimi lt rahle time, probably living in or vicinity. Mr. Branch flower ami family will be greatly mis by his many friends who, one and all, will follow tlietn with sincere wishes fur their comfort aud prosperity. Fortifications at Camp and Hope Sloughs.

Gen. Crui ksnauks, at the head of a compact and well drilled little force of engineers, sappers, aud miners, is rapid ly ihiowiug up embankments and plant ing batteries for the defence of upper Chilliwack auaiust the expected annual bom ardiiient by Gen Fraser Rivers aud his watery hos'S. As the work pro ceeds the aged veteran, who for a thousand years lias defied the fenses reared by nature or bv the feeble of iso lated settlers against lbs encroachmeuts. is gathering his forces preparatory to uuaok all along the line. A person uossessed of any power of imagination can plainly noiice the deepening fur rows of determination upon his rugged countenance si he prepares for his an nual marauding dash into the disputed uiritory.

We even fancied, but of this we cannot be sure, that we detected a derisive sneer upon his time worn visage as be listened to the ring of the axes and the grinding oi tue scrapers on the gravel. To drop the military metaphors into which ones thoughts iuseusioly run thee days, substantial progress is being made iu tie dimming of the sloughs, and if the water keeps back for another week the woik will be so ir advanced as to afford practical proiection against ordinary high water. If there be a lingering doubt iu the uiind of any as to the substantial character of the work, a visit to the spot will effectually dispel it. The dams are of massive construction, while the rieht of way for the dyke is being cleared and stumped in the most thorough manner. Lack of space pre "enls a description of the work this week, but we hope to more fully refer to it in a future issue.

Messrs. Tims. Lay and McGrath are running the two camps, and appeal to be giving general satisfsclion Harris Crosby. Robert Wilson Harris the Vancouver barrister, of tbe lirm of Htr ris and MacXeill. anil Miss Jessie A.

Croshv. daughter of Rev. Thus. Crosby, president of the Methodist conference of Asa Britisli Columbia, were united in mar I Hat: riage in the Metropolitan Methodist church, which was prettily decorated tor the occasion, on Wednesday morning. The wedding took place at 7 o'clock and was solemuized by Rev.

J. C. Spear, assisted by Rev. Dr Carman and Rev. Thomas Crosby, the father of the bride.

The groom was supported hv W. and San Do go Mrs. Harris, as is known, was l. i my vesrs a laborr orer in the ti of northern Brttish Coiiiipb Port Simpson, where her iva stationed, tlie neovly mad. br de was educated a' Wliitbv Colleo il afttr graduating fr.

in there spent ral yenrs iu religions leading among the Indians i Bella Coola district. Victoria "Times." The Delineator. The May number of the Delineator is called the coiuineiiceu.eiil number. It has three full page illustrations of Graduation Costumes, with a Descriptive Article, and should be the Banner Number of tlie year. In general matter the magazine will compare favorably with many 'hat are purely literary, in addition lo the articles of special Talt'e to the housekeeper and Jfcrs.

Meynill's paper on 1 he Humor of Children iu a delightful bit of riting, ami the department of Social Observances, conducted by Mrs CaldwaUder Jones, is this month of more than usual interest. Tlie lirst of a series nf College Stories nlclitle, by Sarah Meghoru good iu themseives and particularly lo those ho appreciate local color, is given: ai.d there i the true artistic touch in the sketch of Southern lifn cal led The Return the Piodigai, Jeanie Drake. Dr Murray's coetti tion on Rheumatism and Gout is a vni uablu addition to her Serb's on The mi iloii Ills of 1ife, and the Entertainments furnish dusitable material of a kind for which there is continual demand. The House Motherthis mouth i particularly considered ia Aids to inir es by Eiizaheth R. Senvil, ii al Architecture, Ten Delicious ik s.

vmg the Household and is 1 Family Repre si Work the usii Importai iniier on i or elties n' ii. Sot i i Pa t. l)iin e.ilor Rich ioi. St jbscriptiou pr hiineator 1 (JU a U'r, si cents. dug Bill.

The Finance his introduced a comprehensive Dyking Bill which covers all works now constructed or under eonstructior, and also provides for further prutec'ive operations, involving in all an expenditure of nearly three quarters of a million dollars The bill uroides for the consolidation of all existing dv king funds hiiiI fur the appointment of an Imp c'oi of Dykes who shall have fuli mtroll of ail works and the haiidi.iig of all funds Au appoint uieiil has already been made in the person i F. L. I'A'tler C. E. a thoroughly (.

top. tent and experienced man. 'I'll" following sections, which refer to the erection of dykes etrecting Chilli IP" cee.sirg, no HI. hy the. sal. Provide, the wnrks ia each di ceed tbe following namely Chilliw hack Surrey New Westminster District generally After 'he sa moneys wo tic Malkin. of aucouver. aod ijrice xi cin nui of i oh Crosby made a charming bridesmaid. disi i ici and th 5 9fi well jj Ci'iiloguo. cost of ml! not ex amounts, .31 Dim lOil 'O 5l.iini) OHO bor rowpd.

th'ir exp ndituie shall be governed bv the provisions of thi Act and the other prov isions governing the ex p. i.tnie of uioi.e oor for the ks in oo llll" Wlllo lilt the Missi Wilson acting as maids of i further or any deed oiin honor. Notwithstanding the early lianr at which the ceremony took place there was quite a large gatheri ig of friends of tlie contraciiig parties The organ i the co li piayed Mei. Weduuig Marcti as the luidal pi'ity en cred. After the ceremony ti.e happy couple repaired to tiie residence of ti.e bride's father, and thence to the steamer King ton, on which hv took passage to Seattle en route to San I rausei i merit.

Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; mmii A Pare Qrape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. first charge upou the lands benefited and secured by the tiues, rates and assessments in the same manner as are the moneys expended, or to be expanded, in the existing districts. And iiereas the works in the Schedule hereto set out in the first clause ua der the heading "Chilliwack District," and consisting of the damming of Hope, Camp, Ilalfmoon, and Greyell Slougln with the intervening dykes, have beeu found to be of urgent importance, and their immediate execution necessary: Therefore, be it enacted that the Lieutenant Governor hereby authorised to undertake the said works forthwith aud to borrow the necesearv moneys therefor, which said moneys shall be charged against the said Chilli whack District, aud shall, in the event of the other works being undertaken, from a poriiou of the whole expenditure snd be repaid accordingly, and in the eveut of such other works not being undertaken, be levied by assessment upon tho lands benefited, in manner provided by the "Drainage, Dyking, and Irrigation Act." The provisions of Ibis Act shall apply to the said works.

SCHEDULE. Chilliwhack District. 1. The damming of Hope, Camp. Halfmoon, and Greyell aluunha with the Intervening dvke.

t. The running of ft dyke from the end of i he above dyke along tlm shore lino of the Kraser to the mouih of Hope Slouxh, damming such of the sloughs as are crossed on the line, mid leaving out ouly such of the land as wou.d enoerson uorner Sjtr.trtcj Oo SOB OW in stock the largest aud most complete stock of that we have carried since II. Hood. These goods have been seieced wifi the greatest care from the largest aud best Eastern Wholet ale hullses. IN FLANNELLETTES we have over 3000 yards, in all AND COSTUMES colors and pricts.

lo Fancy Girga Suigs. Prints, Grencte, Mjsiins 8 Fancy Piwe I.AKOK VAHIKTY. IX we have tlie largest Tariety we have DRESS GOODS carried, with all the trimujiugs to match. It is impossible for us to enumerate our immense ami varied stock, but we would you all to inspect etir new Sp; ing Stock as it is no trouble to show you our goods. Our Prices are Right 10 per cent, off lor Cash.

uur prices are uigni iu per cent, uii lur usn, G. Ahwell Sons i A it it) v. Til iti jy yj waek. with a schedub posed will he of inter cr of the works pro st to all our read The Li'iiitenant (Jovernor in Council may. at the request of a majority in interest nod number of the proprietors of land to bo benefit cd hy the dyking works outlined in the Schedule hereto, appoint an Inspector of Dykes for such district or districts as may be benefited bv such works, i.

any of them, who, with his successors, shall thereafter, for the (lis or districts for which he niav lie appointed, have tho same powers as are by this Act conferred upon the Inspectors of Dykes for the existing districts, save that sections and 10, and sub section tdi. let. and 2 of sec ion 13 aud sec Hon 1 1 of the "Drainage. Dyking, ard Irrigation Act" shall apply lo the In spector of Dy kes so appointed, end he shall possess all the powtrs therein conferred upon and. in the manner therein provided, pciform all tin duties therein imposed upon Cummiskioueis selected or appoiuted It.

after the plan, memorandum, and asse.smeut roll for the di ri' hm bee.ii tiled, the execution of ts proved of bv a majority Dumber of the propri 'o respectivedistricts. the 1. ernor in Council in borrow tin so ti' evs wV. he iks cesitato too g. eat expenditure to reelaim.

3. kunning At up ipo Slouch from the mouth to a point of e'tual eleva ion to high water mark uf lsitt nt the moiph of he slough. 4. Coinnienciug ut Chiliiwhaek Mountain, on the son i ti hank uf Hop Siuugh.and running a dyke along nhore line to lo the Ifraser; ill nee nlong the shol'u litiu oi the Frasei to tho t'uiliiwhacU: ihenee along the north and ea side of the ll to a point of equal elevation to the high mark of 1S1M at tho mouihof the hilliwhaek. 5.

insertiun of a gate at the Semialt Hivcr. it The altering of the course of Elk Creek, bringing hat stream into Hope Slough by a lil ire onvenienl and Iraighter course. 7. Huiiuing a dyke fron; t'hilliwhack Mountain, along ilie outii hank of Hope Slough, to a poiui of eipial eievalioa wiih tLe high water iiiii of an.l, if oe 'es ary. conUuuing the dyne up the new nit of Klk Creek.

8. 'the daaimiro; of tho old course of Elk Cre. at the lirpannre nf rhe new cut, and at moalh of the ooi channel. tl Too turning uf lie) Ja. kman waters into HkCieek.

hi. 'I liH tuinine. if posaib'e. of the Batley tiers into :i.e Chiliiwhaek. and.

if necefiiajv, lieen. uii.g a ol cut iu he bed of the ChillP wl a. Tiermit of the above. 11. All works incidental to any of theahove.

MARRIAGES. t.ton Scott At the residence of Mr. i, en Wednesday, i i l.y the liev. J. Knrx WrighU B.D., William Hamilton to Charlotte Ann Satisfactory t.ikinr printer tlavio SO.U&CUI end plccS SchiUiiar's Best.

TO BUILDERS. TENDERS a'e asked for the erection of 1 Church upon the lot immediate adjoining South Chilliwack School House, lor tho use if tl, congregation now worshipping on the Camp (Jroiiu Ham. and DciltcAI ions may be een after the Sih inst. at the store of I he undersigned as Sardis. or on application lo Rev.

J. H. White, Chilliwack. Tenders must, he in my hands not lat than p. m.

on Saturday. My 7th, IRIS. The accepted. or any tender, npt necessarO JOSEPH OGLE. Pardln.

B. C. Building Committee. Nelson's Drud and Seed Store, Masonic Clock, Chilliwack. and Vancouver.

9 vl sy a I I a esh! New! Good! and Cheaply No Com.tTmsir.rt Sccdi. Imported direct from grower. ill.

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