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The Chilliwack Progress from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada • Page 12

The Chilliwack Progress from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada • Page 12

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CTIILLTWACK PROGRESS, July 21, KILItVID IN A JIFfV money back Grand Mistress To Visit Local LOBA Lodge Two Members Initiated At Nodus Tonus Wry first air of toot him. coaling, liquid D. PreeiTlptloa positively rrlirvea raw rrd itch r-auoed by nrma. rah-. Kala irritation, dialing other itch troublrt.

(rrae-IrM. Hainlrst. 4c trial boltlr mult autKly of mom-v bark Ak your druggiit lot D.U.l). Church Holiday Schools Doing Much For Kiddies Mrs. C.

Mitchell conducted the meeting of Jubilee Lodge 774 of Nodus Tonus club met recently pkesckiphon. for a pot-luck dinner at the home the LOBA in the absence of the of Mrs. Enos Brett, Lindell Children Show Enthusiasm For Summer Classes Beach, Cultus Lake. Two new members, Mrs. D.

Chambers and Mrs. Robert Butchart were initiated. The book sale at the arena auction netted $128. An additional $50 was voted hv the clnh to Worthy Mistress, Mrs. J.

Brad-Icy, who has been in the Vancouver General Hospital. Plans were made for the official viist of Mrs. P. Robinson, Right Worshipful Grand Mistress of the LOBA of B.C., to be held August 24. The Orange degree is to be exemplified that night.

Shower Honors Bride-Elect Uy Mrs. II. F. I'atrinuin A shower honoring Miss Shir- arpna rnmmitfpp was Held at ine TTnrmv moorirur nlaw fn- eevornl hnn.lro,! loy Halpenny Members from Abbotsford andj 11 A of Mrs. C.

French Tuesday Mission lodges have been invited 'district youngsters inese (lays is ine cnurcn vacation Mrs Wikenhof and Mrs school, an endeavor in which there is much enthusiasm in Lewis were co-hostesses. to attend. Mrs. S. M.

Griffiths gave a re-i airs, jonn Kotiens win convene visits to Valleyhaven during the summer. Next meeting will be held in September when the installation of officers will take place. this community to make the children's vacation-time, happier and more worthwhile. The honoree sat behind a teller's cage and received gifts from her friends. Guests included Mrs.

T. Hal- To some of the children, it is the highlight of their holidays, since their parents are me nasi iu uajs scsmuiis. i iic t0 dessert so V' erts fo prepare. RSYALQfy CANNED FOODS fik Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Bennett school was sponsored by Mrs. Audrey Walter, Mrs. port on the 12th of July celebrations held in North Vancouver. The parade was held as scheduled but all other plans were cancelled because of the rain. Members from Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Mission and other points in the Fraser Valley attended.

An invitation was received from Coronation Lodge 1025, Abbotsford. to attend the official Nanainio, were guests during the not in a position to take them Christian education committee Korndsoni Mrs MP" I W'inni. Cnnll I'dSl Wl'l'K Ol -'1 I. ailU ddlR the United church and those in charge were Miss Marion How, to an om-oi-iown camp or to change their every-day program to any extent. Grace' Markham, Miss L.llumslBuchanan.

ITinccss avenue west. i ff Miss Nancy Peterson, Miss Myrtle Cantrill and Mrs. S. i.ranam, Mjss Rh()da Bradwell Miss shir. Captain and Mrs.

A. F. Dog- The name and form of lie viith a Psnt.Mn nf ljnls ley Bathgate, Miss Elaine Furnell herty have returned home after visit of the Grand Mistress at church vacation school varies. It their meeting September 9. lis called the Church Bible school Church of the Nazarene will iand also the Bible Vacation Plans were made for the an- and Miss Deanna Lolacher.

spending a wecK wun ineir son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mclnroy, Harrison Hot Personals jSpnnss- I Al Barrett, Saskatoon, spent Miss Pat Collie and Miss Nan thc week as Rucst of Mr and Hartley, Chilliwack, are visiting i c- Mmnrni hold a vacation school later in the summer, reports Rev. II. Griffin, pastor.

Rev. D. R. Sipe states that the F.vaggelical United Brethren plan to hold a church camp for children on Chilliwack Central road, nine miles east of the city. I CREAMY DELICIOUS HOME MADE I nual picnic to be held at Peace uu u'e ounucter oi me, Arch and Bellingham August 11.

a11 the churches is much A bus is to be chartered, and the same- A typical session for members planning to attend are Junlor ma' include lively sing-i to contact Mrs. Griffiths. jing, the memorization of Bible verses, or the school theme. avenue. Miss Isabelle Metcalfe, friends in Squaniish for several days.

games, clay or plasticine model-1 QGB ng, crayon work, painting. i Mennonite Brethren church, Vancouver, spent the weekend with her parents. woodwork and dramatization. A Broadway, closed their vacation Mrs. G.

J. A. Lanskail, Vancouver, recently visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E.

Stoneman, Williams street north. Ian F. Collinson, Kelowna, was Aluminum cable from Canada was used in a Peruvian high-vollagc power line, installed at altitudes of from 13,000 to 1 5,000 feet the world's highest. Canada supplied not only the cable but also the technical assistance required on this record job. We imagine that aluminum's light weight was particularly appreciated by the llamas or whatever other beasts of burden were used to get thc cable to the lop.

In the rugged mountain country of British Columbia where Alcan's own huge Kitimat development is going on, the aluminum transmission lines used represent another record: they are the largest-diameter overhead power lines in the world. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Altan). worship period is included in school July 9 after two weeks oi a weekend guest at the home of every session with the program session. Jake Geddert is the sup- ms mother Mrs F.

A Collinson arranged according to the age of printendent and reoorts cood' Mr. and Mrs. Launtfe Ker and grand-daughter Janet Hutton, Vancouver, were recent house guests of Mrs. R. F.

Smithwick, TAKES ONLY A a a -rr- the pupil. The schools, in most work done under a staff of 12; are holH from fill 19 nnn. c- I. tl HMUIll I-IIUU, Mr. and Mrs.

Steven Kripps, Bonnie and Bobby, Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lukes, Calgary were recent weekend guests at the home of Mr. and with some permitting a rest nite Brethren church is in its "'jSardis. period and a light lunch in mid- second week of vacation school Ver ntfv morning for the beginners.

iwith W. E. Thiessen and Henry! cenuy- Mr. and Mrs. G.

D. Hutton, Esau in charge and with a staff Hjcks Sliper-i Vancouver accompanied by Mr. Mrs. Waldo Fischer. Mr.

Kripps, CLOSING DAY Closing day is usually open to; Sintcndent of the Experimental n(, a. The Emmanuel Pentecostal aH Let Soutn Wales, visited in Chilliwack ri Holiness church will hold sessions1 'f the past week. Mrs. Hut- Mr. Lukes and Mr.

Fischer were former classmates at the University of Saskatchewan, where they graduated from the college of pharmacy. former Peggy Ker, IV Ut- OF YOUR TIME TO PREPARE WITH ROYAL spS PUDDING made and much of the handwork similar to vacation school when ciation went via TCA to Edmon-is on displav. tne-v gather at camp meetings at ton July 13 to judge Holsteins Crescent Beach in August. Ad-juy 14 and 15. He is spending There is a fine spirit of co- vcnt christia church reports the summer between North Burn- a ill vug l.ic luvai KeV.

AlVin LOOD. Will nOld ClaSSeS nh hie churches. Some that have held vacation school previously, and Mrs. A. McKay and granddaughter Linda, Kamloops, are visiting at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. 11. W. Howard, 428 Kipp avenue. for children at their camp Lake in the Cariboo, ing beginning tomorrow at Nook-I find it is not possible to hold saek.

Wash Mr. Lohh will teach' and ihi iur ,1 weeKcnn guesis 01 were Mr. inf auuu Diuie tiuss aim .111. unu irs clnpno children tn attend the spss mn rN i. 1 1.1 -Mrs- -rll anarpe nephew, Bert Hartell, I'UUIAIUS LUUU, IUt.UUIU, Will CUorvrt'e of a nearhv church.

Tpachers Li snarpe BETWEEN HORSESHOE BAY (West Vanouver)-NANAIMO Via De Luxe MV. Kahloke No Reservations Required Daylight Saving Time Daily: 8 a.m., 12 noon, 4 p.m., 8 p.m., 12 midnile U1SU Two offices for your convenience and Mrs. Hartell, Bruderheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cowhill, San Francisco.

Ready to freeze in 1 minute! Cuts freezing time are not always ot tne same denomination as the church in which they are assisting. Most of the leaders are experienced public school teachers with a love for the children and an VICTORIA-PORT ANGELES SERVICE: 4 TRIPS DAILY VIA MV. CHINOOK A VANCOUVER CITY, 6 C. Motor IV 1 Itaniporlahon. 130 Dummuir HORSESHOE BAY, Farry Terminal mf Optometrists R.B.LINZEY Princess Young.

Phone G90G Whytcl.lf 35BI Elgar Choir Members Costs only pennies per serving! PACKAGE PENTECOSTAL At the Pentecostal church, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ward, travelling evangelists, held children's evening meetings which continued last week.

Attendance awards will be made on the closing night. Ken Henderson reports progress on plans for a vacation school at St. Thomas' Anglican church during the last 10 days of July. There will be a director from Vancouver who will be assisted by a group of regular teachers. St.

John's Anglican, Sardis, will hold vacation school in August, with probably one at Ryder Lake and one at Columbia valley. SERVE! MIX ONCE. ONCE NO "SECOND MIX AND FREEZE" NECESSARY Wm. E. B.

LINZEY Medical Dental Main Street Phone 2 8621 enthusiasm for the work, which accounts for the splendid results achieved. All of their time and that of their helpers is freely given in the service of their church. Rev. Paul Edwardson is director of the vacation Bible school at the Missionary Alliance tabernacle. Children ranging from three to 14 years of age are divided into three departments; beginners, under Mrs.

Evelyn Dick: primary, under Mrs. June Edwardson, and junior under Miss Irene Loewen. They are assisted hv a full sf tnai-liops nnH IRELAND ENGLAND FRANCE HOllAND Arrive In UK Niinnii Burl in Julc ami Doit Sutherland left ChiUiuack June to tour the British hies with the Uigur Choir. The following is a letter from Naomi telling a few e-perietices of the members of the choir: Want Ads Play No Favorites -They Get Results For Everyone Appointments can be made at either office. A new Mgh in gracious tiving afloat is attained on HoManrj-Amenca Line ships-with their centuries seasoned heritage ot seamanship, immaculate shipketrpmg.

warm hospitality, friendly, courteous service, and famed Continental cuisine. First Mennonite church, Prest road, ill also hold school during 1 Am 1 the first part of August and un-i We were very thrilled to learn helpers. The school which th dircctorsnip of George that our broadcast from Montreal ed July 5 will hold closing oxer-Dkk be cises friday in the Canadian Le-i c.v,r.,.. ct 1 cion hall Sponsored by the West Coast show- rehearsed for it at St. fe Children's Mission, an interdeno- George's church, through the; LMTED CHURCH Iminational society, a church va-'courtes-v of Archdeacon Gower Last Wednesday parents andlcation school is being conducted Rees- Alter a 4'i-hour trip from, friends of the children at Chilli-1 at Rosedale United church by Montreal.

whlch rather hee-i. nL- nkiimii o.nnni ot a 1 1 r. tic. with narkins fliTaniTinp hi; dJl i i for thinfs tn ho Inft fnp nur pp.1 NIEUW AMSTERDAM Mighty tlaeship ol the fleet, with acres ol decks lor spoits and reflation, swimming pools, shops, cmema, night clubs, gymnasium, solarium, sumptuous salons. and hear some of the results of Miss Betty Kiesen.

A closing pro- turn' we flt last boarded the S.S.j WaWAMBMMkrk. RYNDAM MAASDAM Celebrated twin thnftliners. smart, modern-leaturing virtual privileges for tourist class passengers. For Specialized Hair Shaping and Manageable Pcrmanrnts gram will be presented to parents umena, alter a quicK succession! and friends July 9. pictures, cabins, and a last.

In the Yarrow flislrlet, a iarge-j wavc at old ueboc- ly-attendcd church kindergarten' aftpr the first day out, a school is being conducted with heavy fog developed and an oc-i Drenarations in full swins for a casional swell, which continued IF LAV Rpgular tailings trom New York to S0U1HJMPT0N LE MAVRE ROTURDA'd by NIEUrt AMSTERDAM, MAASDAM and RYNDAM Direct to ROTTERDAM bv delgie one-ciaw motnr-twins WESTERDAM and N00RDAM Monthly service to C0BH. IRELAND, by th RYNDAM or MAASDAM. Two personally conducted CHRISTMAS SAILINGS to Southampton, le Havre, Rotterdam: MAASDAM Nov. 25 from HALIFAX (Nov. 23 from New RYNDAM Dec.

13 from New York, also stops at Cobh, Ireland. final presentation to the parents unt'l tnrce das out of Southamp-and friends. ton, and we really had to show iwhat sort of sailors we were. LAC Ron Barker, RCAF, who We docked at Lc Havre for Pacific Evaporated Milk is protected by golden lined, vacuum sealed cans. The only canned milk processed in B.C.

has been stationed with the No. three hours: so at least I can say. 1 2 tighter Wing in France, is vis- I was at France. iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Our first concert was at Bour- 591 Burrard Street, Vancouver 1, B.C. Pacific 5431 Offices also In Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg Michael's Beauty Salon 124 Main St. Phone 2 3701 A. b. Kai'KCr, rTCSt road.

He Will Innmnnth whom uo ni be returning to France at the billets, and they really enjoyed1 end of the month. concert. Vou could "hear a' Q20CF mm pin drop," according to our hostess, Mrs. Stokes. In Salisbury we are billeted To EUROPE by Netherlands Government Vessels low fares.

High stand- From ttuebec to Southampton and Rotterdam: ards of Dutch seaman- Johan van Oldenbarnevelt Aug. Groote Beer hm cleanliness and Aug. 21. To Rotterdam: Johan van Oluenbarn-traditional Jnendli- Aug. 28; Groote Beer Oct.

2. ness. Ample room for From New York to Southampton and Rotter-recreation and fun. dam: Groote Beer July 31; Waterman Aug. Good, plentiful menu.

11. To Rotterdam: Waterman Sept. 4. Directorate-General of Shipping (Ministrie van Verkeer en Waterstaat) Ihe Hague, The Netherlands. Holland-America Line, Agents.

m. 1 so much eas'er than in nydsyt EvenBecriimers make delicious with the president of the Rotary Club, who has a "dream house" on acres of wonderful land on a river. From our window we have the best view in the city of Salisbury Cathedral. This morning we went to Stonehcnge. It was very beautiful.

We are now-sitting in the sun, 10 of us, six from the YWCA, our hosts' two sons and Sandra (Sandra Browning of the British Properties, West Vancouver) and myself. Sandra and I are staying in this beautiful home for three days, you should see our bedroom, it is a dream. We are kept very busy, hardly have time to think. Will write again soon, Love, Naomi. A HIT FOR FLAVOR! Sparkling Jams and Jellies with (Seil'to iVll IT'S THE QUICK, EASY, SHORT-BOIL WAY RECIPE BOOKLET under rhc Uhcl of every rwittle and in every rnkEc type hai ipctial rci-pfs ihit must be Mh.ucd They are ouc intcithingeabie.

Fraser Valley Milk tastes even better in the early summer months! If you doubt it try it and be convinced! And remember, Fraser Valley is the perfect way to keep up your food and fluid balance, so important on these hot, exhausting: days! HEINZ ANNOUNCES WHAT CERTO IS -Ccrto is fruit peclin-xhc natural jellying substance in fruit extracted and refined to help you make delicious jams and jellies quickly and easily. SAVES TIME AND WORK It takes only 15 minutes from thc time your fruit is prepared to make a whole batch with Ccrto. That's only about a third thc time needed for old, long-boil recipes. ONE-MINUTE BOIL -With Ccrto you need, only a one-mincie full, rolling boil. No more long, tedious boiling and stirring over a hot stove.

It's so quick and easy. 50 MORE JAM OR JELLY There's no long "boiling down" so hardly any precious juice wastes away in steam. You average up to 50ro more jam or jelly from thc same amount of fruit. NATURAL, FRESH TASTE AND COLOR And the boil short to dull thc fresh fruit color or spoil thc lovely natural, fresh-fruit taste. They remain in your jam or jelly.

NO GUESSWORK -With Ccrto you get kitchen-tested recipes that end all guesswork. Follow thc simple directions carefully and you can be sure of delicious, sparkling jams and jellies. A TREAT FOR BABIES ft 7aketauk feck. LIQUID or CRYSTALS WHY NOT CALL 2-7301 I OK 1IOML DLL1YLKY TODAY? FRASER VALLEY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION SARDIS, B.C. Made order teething tots Certo ir either form gives equally good results jjj yify ll i -tril rlt.jl I A r'o4a o( Food,.

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